After agreeing to play in Yugoslavia Fischer raised a series of objections and Iceland was the final venue.
In nine of the ranking tournaments all players will take part in the first round, with the winners travelling to the final venue.
As a quasi-judicial body, the Board is the final venue of appeal in the local planning process.
But not impressive enough to make a difference to the Art Institute of Chicago, which was to have been the show's third and final venue.
Here is the final venue of each events.
As of the 2012 championship twenty-four teams have advanced to the final venue over the history of the Thomas Cup competition.
Geographically, nine Asian nations have qualified to play at the final venue.
They then went on to perform at 13 other venues across the country, with the final venue being in their hometown of Okinawa.
As a quasi-judicial body, the Board is the final venue of appeal in the local planning process, and holds public hearings on various agenda items.
"It is the ODA's final venue to start construction and will be ready to host test events next year."