The medical opinion: "Many pregnant women struggle with the aches and pains of pregnancy, especially in the final trimester.
She received some media attention for running in the final trimester of her pregnancy, giving birth a few days before the election.
She is in the final trimester of her pregnancy.
They are matched with leading performing arts companies in Sydney, during or following their final trimester of study.
During this final trimester, your fetus grows larger and the body organs mature.
Isn't that finally beyond the limit, procreating in the final trimester of life?
She'd risked it a couple of times earlier on, but once she got into the final trimester, she couldn't chance it.
You're well into the final trimester now, so there's really not long to go, but it's normal to wish it was all over - and to feel nervous.
And how many women, once in their final trimester, want to continue in their vixen careers?
The final trimester focuses on her growing belly and growing apprehension.