That Mr. Perot can still be considered a significant force in the campaign is the final testament to the oddness of this election year.
Mr. Duarte's closest friends say he considered the statements to be his final political testament.
Will the name and the drive, sexual and social, you know, and even the final testament with the second best bed.
Unconnected septic tanks are still common in small towns, a final testament to Japan's traditional waste recycling.
He has written instructions on how to carry on his dynasty in a final testament for his son.
It has also left the two sides in the awkward position of arguing over an eminent colleague's final testament.
The document is meant to summarize Hōnen's teachings for future generations, and serves as his final testament.
Hitler declined the offer, and a few hours later dictated his final testament to Miss Junge.
As it turns out, Hartford had himself been busy leaving one final testament behind - a sort of a party favor.
Those farewell messages did not use religious language - that seemed to have been reserved for the final testaments of the murderers.