In real life, good does not always triumph, and decent people suffer for no purpose and receive no final redemption.
This was not part of a national conflict, they argued, but possibly the last throes of Jewish suffering before final redemption.
"Master," I said, "there is no horror in this world that is without final redemption."
The epic presents his journey from adversity to success to final redemption.
The film's Jack is established as somewhat sinister much earlier in the story and his final redemption never occurs.
Shabbetai had a mission to descend into hell before he could achieve the final redemption of Israel.
I think it has to be your own personal opinion in the case of Estella's final redemption being unconvincing.
Smiling, he nodded reassuringly, showing that this was not some religious trick, a promise of final redemption to those standing at the door of death.
The solution to the apparent discrepancy would appear to be that his death effects the final redemption.
This includes the final redemption from the present exile.