In that final realization he knew that he could write only the one word there, out of love and responsibility for his children and grandchildren.
In both, K seeks for grace and is led to the final realization that it is to be withheld from him.
First of all, no one forces this final realization upon you.
Wonderful is the final realization and arguably passion-fused, more so then the title track.
Robert's final realization, and the culmination of the show, comes when he sings the lyric "Alone is alone, not alive."
When she spoke, her voice was trembling with her final realization of the truth that could be avoided no longer.
As the final realization hit him, he started to regain a touch of his natural bravado.
But after saying this, there is a long silence as he comes to a final realization, and dies with a smile on his face.
Bagabond paused, staggered by the final realization of what she had done.
There were still significant hurdles to be cleared before its final realization.