The final American pullout was duly executed, but no armistice took hold on the South Vietnamese battlegrounds.
At the port, which is expected to close to commercial traffic on Sunday in preparation for the final pullout, the last ships are loading the remaining United Nations equipment.
When the Soviet troops were preparing for their final pullout on Feb. 15, an international lottery of sorts developed over how long President Najibullah's Government would hold out.
The deadline for withdrawal from both countries is June 30, while 1994 is set as the deadline for the final pullout from what was once East Germany.
They eyed the Indonesian soldiers, who have begun a final pullout, with most expected to be gone by the end of the week.
The leaders of the three Baltic states are already worried that new nationalist pressures in Russia will endanger the final pullout of all Russian troops from Estonia and Latvia.
And the day after Gaddafi died, President Obama announced the final pullout of the last American troops from Iraq.
The agreement marked the final pullout of Yugoslav troops from Croatia, a political boost for Mr. Tudjman.
During January 1974 the Secretary of Defense announced a realignment of Thailand resources, with the final pullout of air resources by the end of 1976.
Kurdish refugees slowly began moving down from the mountains today as allied troops took effective control of this northern town with the final pullout of several hundred armed Iraqis.