Then the striker would use the smooth wheel on the grindstone for a final polish.
Chaos gave a silver ladle a final, theatrical polish and passed it to her.
One wonders which author (or who else) applied the final polish.
Refusing to be hurried, Tom gave his paw a final polish, then used it to pat at the wall.
"I'm about to do the final polish on it," he said.
By the time he'd gotten to the Academy, he was already pretty good, and Starfleet put on the final polish.
A final polish inside and out with a soft cloth, and her creations were finished.
He gave the crystal one final gleaming polish, with a wet paste of some fine red clay.
Parmalee had brought them over the trail losing no flesh and ready for a final polish before cold weather set in.
Each gets a final polish with his cloth, and he grins into them as if they were mirrors.