Wrapped in her own arms, Kelly watched him go, ignoring that final weak nudge which bade her give chase.
And until tonight, she had thought Will Chatam would provide that final curative nudge.
It was an instructor at my local gym who gave the final nudge to this decision.
Perhaps the realization that this American president and this British prime minister had the vision as well as the fortitude to do what is necessary provided the essential final nudge.
Now Al was confident enough about keeping his powers a secret that he sent one final nudge: She doesn't matter.
He smiled down at a baby in the throng and seemed in need of a final nudge of encouragement toward the bruising campaign's finish line.
The final "nudge" is the paper's slogan - "spend more today".
I gave the shadows their final nudge, then looked again.
One final nudge and Pitt would be airborne.
Then she turned and, pretending to reach for something up on the shelf, gave the tray a final nudge.