But once again, there was no narrative, only drifting, tapering off and a final glimmer of the opening sounds.
Dan Quinn upped the margin to 5-3 before John Ogrodnick's goal with 5:47 gave the Rangers their final glimmer of hope.
The gray tide flooded over him again, and the visitor retreated into the gloom, dissolved into a white blur, moving away, and then a final glimmer of luminous gold as just once it glanced back.
We leaned over the side of the boat and watched the silver cylinder slide smoothly out of sight with one final glimmer of sunlight to mark its descent.
The torch gave a final glimmer and died.
In the final glimmer of light he saw the big man coming for him and dropping to his knees he tackled in the approved manner of Soldiers' Field, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The final glimmer comes from recent attempts to develop novel strategies for controlling corporate crime.
That the final glimmer of a tottering reason was fast leaving the poor, aching head she was too young to realise.
It is not by chance, in fact, that the cinema world welcomed the proposed Guarantee Fund as a final glimmer of hope.
A pause; a trifling noise; a final glimmer.