According to Rahner, Christian faith affirms that the cosmos reaches its final fulfillment when it receives the immediate self-communication of its own ground in the spiritual creatures which are its goal and its high point (Rahner, p. 190).
In movement 2, the alto is accompanied by the strings and a violin obbligato in virtuoso figuration, which may illustrate the heavenly light promised as the final fulfillment.
It is a process that begins here and now but which will find its final fulfillment in the age to come.
These are the people who have the wrong hope and who go to no place at all, who find under this earth and under the stars their final fulfillment.
Kook really believed that he was living in the last age and would shortly witness the final fulfillment of human history.
He reflected on how the Koran speaks of Judgment Day, the final fulfillment of both God's threat and His promise.
Progressives hold that while there are aspects of the new covenant currently being fulfilled, there is yet to be a final and complete fulfillment of the new covenant in the future.
He went to his death, if not a happy man, at least a person whose life has yielded a final fulfillment, and not all of us can make this claim.
No further barrier stood between themselves and the Second Empire - the final fulfillment of Seldon's Plan.