His body spent the next 10 months adjusting to the new organ and training for a final comeback.
Montgomery attempted one final comeback running as an Independent in the 1944 Alberta general election.
But that lead did not hold up as the Celtics began their final comeback with a 6-0 run.
De Guzman made his final comeback in Feyenoord's last match of the season.
The Lakers had a record of 22-10 in the games Johnson played, and he considered his final comeback "a success."
This was followed by a fourth and final comeback at Vicenza, with 11 appearances.
She realised only too well that Lee Hammerton was not the sole reason for his decision to make one final brief comeback.
And so Karolyi is plotting his own final comeback.
The Wizards, who had battled from behind from Game 1 of this series, could not muster a final comeback.
Thomas attempted one final comeback in 1992, winning twelve fights before outpointing Craig Payne.