When the final disjunctive cataclysm happened, she felt the shock even within the hiding place, and had to let her mind's eye observe.
If they had escaped their final cataclysm, perhaps she would as well.
They didn't wait to watch the final cataclysm, but started away from the Temple, brick-shards whining past their heads.
How else explain that duel in the shattered Hall of the Cones whose end had been the signal for the final cataclysm?
However, another way of interpreting this is that Nature began to create the Aryan race before the final cataclysms.
The deepest caves-the heart of the planet itself-would give no protection when the final cataclysm came.
They seem to agree that no house is worth a human life, which makes the heavily foreshadowed final cataclysm especially painful and powerful.
At this point it was contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm.
Long before the vibrations of the final cataclysm had died, a ray of light angled down from the Hyperion roof.
'The final cataclysm will be triggered by events occurring to four people in four different locations,' he continued.