Her lips, warm and alive, imparting a final sweet caress, was the last sensation I knew.
She gave the egg a final proprietary caress.
With a final caress of my cheek, he walked away.
Giving Flapper a final caress, he swarmed up the nearest root-stalk to confront Dippid... who promptly dashed the notion.
Her eyes brimmed with tears as she gave her son's face a final caress.
The woman nodded, gently smoothed down Damon's aching head, drawing him against her for a final caress.
He gave Avatre a final caress, and left her basking in the heat while he sought the building Kaleth called the "House of All Gods."
Suddenly, she smiled and with a final caress of Dorotea's disheveled white hair, sat back.
Now the jellies completed their dance, each of them giving the "mother" a final caress.
He rubbed his cheek against mine in a final caress, and a moment later was speeding through the Carrion Caves toward the outer world.