The death of his wife in 1521 provoked the final breach.
Perhaps a final breach was inevitable once the Popes had committed themselves to the creation of an empire in the West.
I believe my final breach was not showing up for a weekend detention - but it could have been anything.
The final breach did not occur until the middle of 1837, but no fresh book was given him after the November of 1836.
The chronicles describe the final breach between Sawlu and Yamankan in a dramatic way.
This address appeared to be the source of the final breach between Hughes and the Children of Peace.
The final breach grew from Southey's good fortune in being offered an annuity of £160 during the summer of 1795.
Even after a final breach in 1971, they remained legally married.
Neither plan gained any traction in Congress, and the failure to come to agreement represented the final political breach between the two.
This was the beginning of the final breach between Henry and his son.