How long and at what cost had the ancients striven to the final achievement of their mighty civilization!
The seeding list was accurately reflected in the tournament result, with all the seeds achieving their expected final achievements.
His victory isn't the final achievement for black people, it's part of a process.
It was Roosevelt's final achievement before he died.
I think Idol should call year 10 their crowning and final achievement.
And now, Robert Heinlein's first and final achievement is in your hands.
This was the final great achievement of Romanus's reign.
His final achievement was to remain in the house until he died at 93 - physically infirm, alone, nearly blind but, triumphantly, at home.
A final achievement is awarded when level 25 is completed, but there is no known end to the game.
Holbrooke's final diplomatic achievement, it turns out, was to see this advice accepted.