Carry on - and clean up that filthy uniform before I come back through here or you'll find yourself on the Chinese border!
University students paraded in filthy uniforms and caps.
A lock opened and a gaunt young man in a filthy uniform stood there.
Wounded men with field dressings starkly white on their filthy uniforms were queuing up patiently.
With their hollow eyes and filthy uniforms about to fall off their backs, they looked like they'd been on strict rationing for a long time.
Data glanced down at his filthy uniform, then at the silk-upholstered furnishings.
Someone had taken his filthy, battered uniform, asking dubiously if he wanted it cleaned.
He was a high officer, that was clear by his filthy uniform.
I was still in the filthy, sweat-covered uniform, and my left arm hurt a little where the dart had hit me.
He wasn't used to looking down at himself and seeing a filthy uniform, either.