Terence Davies' film is another remake but sounds more interesting than tinkering if only for his use of music.
Still, the film sounds good, so here's hoping it spurs on some much-needed action in this area.
The film, shot in the Dominican Republic, looks and sounds authentic.
The film sounds really interesting, thanks to Stuart & Grant for the article and podcast to highlight it.
Made in 1963, the film looks and sounds its age and leaves a few questions curiously unanswered.
Do it wrong, and your film or video sounds messy, distracting, and unrealistic.
From the reviews they've read, they say, the film sounds as if it offers a distorted picture of their hometown.
That is why the film does not sound didactic.
They probably thought the film sounded like fun, which proves yet again just how careful actors have to be about choosing their projects.
Maybe it is just Philip's plot summary but the film sounds unnecessarily moralising.