The film retrospective begins tonight at 6 at the Public Theater with "Citizen Kane."
"For the first time, our film retrospective has found corporate sponsorship," he said.
Apart from screenings of Slovenian films, it also regularly features renowned authors' film retrospectives, international independent film programmes and a short films competition.
Her life and career were re-evaluated in the years around the centennial of her birth, in three major literary works and film retrospectives.
This week there are festivals, fairs and film retrospectives, as well as an unusual display of unconventional coffins.
Festivals, fairs, film retrospectives and an unusual display of unconventional coffins ensure there's plenty to see this week.
Apart from the international competition program, it also regularly features renowned authors' film retrospectives, a European film program, independent film programs and various theme programs.
And how could Sontag miss the popularity of film retrospectives and magazines?
Upon his 100th birthday in 1994, the Locarno Film Festival showed a film retrospective of his works.
Elsewhere there are youth festivals, film retrospectives and a rather unusual exhibition.