But to the lawyers of Memphis, the film promises a kick of another kind: it will be a chance to see themselves and their friends.
In 1963 Donovan directed the film Promises!
The Times of Indias reviewer wrote that the film "promises good fun but sadly, never fulfils it".
The film promises a "controversial, uncensored look into the real lives of a new era of rockstars for today's generation".
The film promises to be interpretative, not literal.
The film promises that "she'll continue her hopeless, degrading existence until she escapes in death."
Awarding the film 2/5 stars, he wrote, "Has a film ever promised so much yet delivered so little?
But if his film promises to explore every dark corner of the death factories at Birkenau, it leaves out the gassing itself.
With these touches, the film promises not to exploit its subject in maudlin ways, and that is a promise it keeps.
Successful animated films, even before profits from merchandising, promise a windfall.