The film omits any explanation as to how the Warlock found the two in the airport.
Instead, the liberal-left focused on what the film omitted, such as the feminist and civil rights movements.
Hence, the film omits his eventual domination over Animal Mother.
The film omits the death of the character Rafterman.
Variety notes that Maggiore is the wife of the director/producer, a fact the film omits.
However, the film omits most of Weill's music.
The film omits the line from its recreation, but the freewheeling fear and loathing are present.
The film omits certain parts of the novel, especially those relating to the lives of Drogo's friends in his home town.
Although the essentials of the plot remained relatively unchanged, the film omits several side plots.
The film omits the entire chapter where four journalists are expelled by the writer and adds a police investigation.