They are the film equivalent of microfiction, like the 60 Word Story.
While advertisements often say a digital camera lens's focal length is "35-millimeter film equivalent," that bit of shorthand is slightly misleading.
The next step may be film equivalent of automated bank tellers, where film is deposited in a machine and later picked up.
It is the film equivalent of the roman à clef.
Is it the kitschy film equivalent of a Keene painting?
Digital cameras are significantly more expensive to purchase than film equivalents.
It is the film equivalent of watching a vintage tableau vivant re-enacted on a stage: an elegant curiosity.
Digital cameras usually sell for $200 and up, a lot more than their film equivalents.
It's like the people at Duke City put my details into the film equivalent of and out popped Les.
"He's the film equivalent of the advertising-agency art director who haunts the galleries to keep his eye fresh," he wrote.