The book was partially adapted by Oliver Stone into the 1991 film JFK.
For the Agents, their costume was designed to create a secret service, undercover look, resembling the film JFK.
The "spitting incident" depicted in the story is a pastiche of the 1991 film JFK.
This is a reference to a line in the 1991 film JFK.
He was played by Tony Plana in the 1991 film JFK.
News footage of Giancana is featured in the film JFK.
The billboard was removed in 1978, and re-mounted briefly in 1991 for the film JFK.
The phrase appears as text at the conclusion of Oliver Stone's film JFK.
Bowers was played by Pruitt Taylor Vince in the 1991 film JFK.
She was portrayed in the film JFK by Ellen McElduff.