Baker was a fill-in host for the nationally syndicated Glenn Beck radio show in 2010.
The show had two fill-in hosts if Jeremy was away but weren't used.
His voice has often been heard as a fill-in host at stations in markets such as Tampa and Seattle.
Her daughter, Liz, contributes to the show twice a week and sometimes appears as a fill-in host.
Instead, fill-in hosts took his place as he recovered from an unknown illness.
He has also been a fill-in host on the interview show CenterStage.
Bubba does not let his co-hosts run a live show or have a fill-in host to provide live content like is normally done in radio.
In addition to the show's regular staff and hosts, a number of guests often make appearances as fill-in hosts.
Sports Radio as a fill-in host and update anchor.
Braun had appeared regularly on the show since 1957, and was frequently a fill-in host.