A fellow pulled in at the pumps and began to fill up his car.
He says he started thinking about alternative energy sources waiting in long lines at the gas station to fill up his father's car.
They just happened to be driving by or filling their car up with gas, and that's what really made the difference.
Stop to fill up your car, and the gas jockey would invite you in for a nip.
How much money could you save if you skipped the pump and filled up your car with a garden hose?
"You can fill up your car on virtually every street corner of Port-au-Prince."
One day he told me about a Norwegian who had just filled up his car and who paid with a thousand-kronor note.
Costs me 20 Brunei dollars to fill my car up from empty.
If Washington got serious about improving fuel economy standards, you might only need to fill up your car every other week rather than every week.
You may be tired of constantly filling up your car and looking for ways to cut back, but not all fuel-saving methods are good choices.