Even when my mother was a little girl there weren't enough books west of the Mississippi to fill shelves like these.
She plans to fill the shelves with books and to paint the room a warm, dark red.
Some children really enjoy helping to fill a box or shelves in the correct way.
"It should take me no time at all to fill the shelves and replace the trains," he said.
We had filled the shelves with most of our own books (shipped, at great expense, by the government).
He's carrying critical building supplies and food to fill the empty shelves of the local store.
Books filled low shelves in at least one alcove, but I did not take time to check the titles.
Glass retorts and test tubes filled shelves along one side of the room.
The military works hard to fill the shelves of base and post exchanges across Iraq with surprisingly new product.
Blue and green pottery filled the shelves beneath a square of red canvas tent.