In the last three years, the corps has approved 75 permits for companies in West Virginia and 108 in Kentucky to fill valleys and streams with mine waste.
Quite apart from the logging, the forest roads break up wildlife habitat and promote erosion that scars the land and fills clean streams with sediment, environmental groups say.
So we drive the rain to fall mostly outside the Hammered Sea, where it fills streams.
In that wintry world, glaciered mountain crests filled streams and rivers during the warmer season with meltwater.
Once winter rains have soaked the soil and filled ephemeral streams, both males and females migrate up to 2 km to breeding ponds that exist only in winter.
This soaks the ground at all levels, fills the springs and streams, and keeps the water forever running downhill.
The Army Corps makes a new distinction between perennial and intermittent streams and relaxes rules on filling streams that do not flow year-round.
Even so, the rain is soft, filling the rivers and streams with sweet water.
The pyroclastic flows and subsequent eruptions of dust and ash which filled streams and tanks, caused the death of some 3,000 persons, and considerable damage.
In just days the local weather patterns would fill their fields, rivers, and streams with toxic fallout.