Facilities may include park-like areas, filling stations, restrooms, and restaurants.
Is it possible, though, to measure a nation's wealth in the shiny cars, shiny suits and filling restaurants?
"The convention center is a loss leader to fill the hotels and restaurants," he explained.
Also, some people who have businesses in the town (especially filling stations and restaurants) may think that they will not get so many customers.
Think of the money that might have come New York's way with thousands filling hotels and restaurants.
The A5 features a number of rest areas which provide various services including restrooms, filling stations and restaurants.
This new road brought a new industry, tourism, to the rural areas filling hotels and restaurants with travelers.
In the cities, Sunday brunch could fill restaurants at a time of the week that had previously been slow.
Tourists seemed to be everywhere, filling restaurants, taking photographs and milling about with street maps in hand.
Friends and lovers, old people and children fill the sidewalks, restaurants and bars.