Inactive waste used for filling quarries is exempt subject to meeting certain conditions.
Find out about the exemption for filling quarries in Notice LFT1 on the HMRC website - Opens in a new window.
On the continent of Europe, Italy fills old quarries with rubbish.
Clean, clear ground water is the primary source of the water that fills most quarries once they are no longer being pumped out for mining operations.
With numerous water filled quarries of various depth, the Telford Fire Company created a new extension to their Fire Company - A Dive Unit.
Lower rated waste which is used for the purposes of filling existing or former quarries may qualify for exemption.
Having raced in behind the invading German Army in June 1941, these mobile killing squads proceeded to fill ravines, quarries, trenches, ditches and pits in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia with the bodies of more than 1.3 million Jewish men, women and children.
A few advantages of fish farming with cages are that many types of waters can be used (rivers, lakes, filled quarries, etc.), many types of fish can be raised, and fish farming can co-exist with sport fishing and other water uses.