Since their first meeting five years before, Carns and Pat had formed a close, almost filial relationship.
Perhaps the echoes of the filial relationship that once existed has become ingrained in British culture.
Or it may be that the filial relationship, being taken for granted in a more stable society, simply did not excite the poetic imagination.
But as a metaphor and model for citizenly love, friendship was more congenial to republican ideology than either filial or marital relationships.
"Does the boy have any filial relationships whatsoever?"
The boy has no father- his only possible filial relationship is with the State.
Around the dais, four groups of mannikins were demonstrating the other four filial relationships.
He developed a friendly filial relationship with her through an extensive correspondence.
"In ballet, you either set out to kill the father or you assume a filial relationship with the past," he said.
The story does not establish a filial relationship between the female vampire and Dracula.