The Federal prosecutor said that his office had, in addition, filed a civil suit against the two men.
In the mid-1980s, the office was filing more than 50 petitions per term.
The office has not yet filed legal papers responding to the suit.
In 2002, the office filed disciplinary charges against 1,472 attorneys.
Yesterday, his office filed a civil suit seeking the recovery of more than $1 million.
He said if the company did not confess its liability within 48 hours, his office would file a lawsuit.
The Manhattan district attorney's office looked into the claim and did not file criminal charges.
I don't recall anything Suade was talking about having been filed on by your office or anybody else.
One state government negotiator said the California attorney general's office could file a suit against the power generators in the next few weeks.
He looked across the office at Copper placidly filing case cards.