As a file-sharing program, Aimster is generally more secure because users have complete control over their files.
The potential implications of the decision were not lost on young users of file-sharing programs.
Napster and the other file-sharing programs have always seemed benign except for the legal issues they raise.
This version can be found online and through file-sharing programs.
Given the open nature of most file-sharing programs, users run some personal risk.
But the company has always maintained that its throttling accurately targeted file-sharing programs and not other software.
It can be appealing to download free software - like games, file-sharing programs, and customized toolbars.
There are two main methods for obtaining music online: peer-to-peer file-sharing programs and legal subscription services.
A Web site called continued to thrive; episodes were passed around via file-sharing programs.
What users cannot do is download any music files to their own computers, as other file-sharing programs allow.