There are currently about 150 new patent applications on insurance inventions filed per year in the United States.
Six cases have been filed in the United States so far this year, with several more in the works overseas.
One anti-abortion group indicated today that the boycott would go ahead once a marketing application was filed in the United States.
Two lawsuits filed in the United States allege a variety of human rights abuses on the project.
They also raised questions about why the suit had been filed in the United States.
Design patents were filed in the United States on December 16, 1992.
Patents were later filed on October 27, 1993 in the United States.
Since then, dozens of these civil suits have been filed in the United States.
The family quickly filed homesteads a few miles south for themselves and several relatives and friends in the United States.
He was responding to a $190 million sexual-harassment suit filed last week in the United States by a former female employee.