The polymer is a clever filamentary structure based on mule fiber.
These plasma currents were believed by Alfvén and his supporters to be responsible for many filamentary structures seen in astrophysical observations.
Long filamentary structures seem to predominate.
Images of the plume taken by Voyager 1 revealed a large structure without a central column like the smaller, Prometheus-type plumes, but instead having a filamentary structure.
Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope show an elliptical galaxy with blobs and a filamentary structure.
High power microwave breakdown at atmospheric pressure also leads to the formation of filamentary structures.
Infrared cirrus are filamentary structures seen in infrared light.
The results, she and Dr. Heavens said, were clearly consistent with a filamentary structure, "like a web, not round hills and mountains."
This view shows large, wispy filamentary structures, smaller bright knots of gas, and patches of diffuse gas.
Surrounding and stretching between galaxies, there is a rarefied plasma that is organized in a cosmic filamentary structure.