Far down that road, six little figures trudged along, coming in my direction.
No matter where they looked there was only snow, and the dark figures trudging on before them.
Two figures trudged along one of the paths far below.
Angua looked down at the little figure trudging along beside her.
Cars sped along the streets, and figures trudged the sidewalks.
But what was the small lone dark figure trudging up-meadow toward them in the face of the last low sunlight?
The far-off figures, all but one, slowed, turned, and trudged back in the direction they had come.
The three figures trudged towards the grid control office.
A few distant figures trudged, heads down, over the grass; the park was swept almost bare of people.
Far below they saw a ragged figure trudging slowly along a country road on the outskirts of Chandrapur.