Meaning for the Market If those figures signal a slowdown in new municipal issues, it could be important for the Treasury market.
But economic analysts, inside and outside the Government, said the Labor Department's figures on the labor market did not signal a trend.
Some analysts said the monthly figures might also signal some general weakening in what has been a strong export performance.
The figures signaled that a decline in manufacturing and farming began to infect other areas, producing the first quarter-to-quarter fall in output in three years.
Mary Ann was considering alternative brunch spots when a familiar figure in the crowd signaled her sheepishly.
Combined with a sharp drop in other investment banking activity and thousands of layoffs, analysts said, the figures signaled losses at many securities firms.
But analysts say the figures signal that the recovery will be weak.
They had gone about a hundred and fifty yards when a figure in blue combat gear loomed up and signalled them to stop.
With earnings growth remaining below inflation, these figures signal a further squeeze on disposable incomes.
"They say that the figures signal the end of the recession and I think that's a correct assessment."