Previous figures have ranged from 10,000 to more than 10 times that.
Other initial reports gave figures ranging from 145 to 370 dead.
That figure ranges from 82 to 890, depending on the district.
By the lowest estimate, almost 200 people were killed, while other figures range into the thousands.
Viewing figures ranged from 208,000 to 435,000 with the final itself watched by 454,000.
An exact number of the people displaced isn't known, but figures range from 5,000 - 10,000.
The annual figures ranged from $100,986 to $146,867 and averaged $136,439.
The number of casualties is unknown, with figures ranging from 747 to around 1,000.
While some have very high value still in their original package, the most common loose figures ranges from $1-$5.
Philip had heard figures ranging from twelve to twenty thousand.