But the figures being proposed would still be more than the cap on prices the two big utilities can charge their customers, about $60 a megawatt hour.
It suggests these should be in the 3,000-4000 megawatts range - three to four times the current government goal, and in line with figures proposed by environmental groups.
Besides the $3 million in bridge financing, the $75 million figure proposed by Mr. Black includes about $22 million to be used for administrative claims and creditors.
The $900 million figure proposed in the president's fiscal 2004 budget is still greater than that provided by any previous administration.
The general scheme for its production via a ketone intermediate can be seen in the figure proposed by Grimalt et al., 1990.
That is the figure proposed by Monsanto.
But I would like to stress that the figure proposed by the Commission is much too small.
In this connection, the UEN Group supports the inclusion of the figures proposed by the Commission.
There is still a big difference between the figures proposed by Parliament and those proposed by the Council.
G.I. Joe was initially a military-themed 11.5-inch figure proposed by marketing and toy idea-man Stan Weston.