The attacker moves forward in a left fighting stance with a front kick off the right leg to the groin area.
"That meant not only learning the basic fighting stances, but how to wield a sword at the same time," he said.
He assumed a competent fighting stance, body balanced, fists elevated.
Your opponent takes up a left fighting stance, that is with the left leg leading.
Janille started to reach for a weapon that wasn't there, then fell into unarmed fighting stance.
Her fighting stance was awesome, the triumph of training over instinct.
"Xander, leave them alone," Buffy ordered, still in her fighting stance.
Instead, he was surprised to find the man already in a compact fighting stance.
Taking a classic fighting stance, he called out a degree of difficulty to the charcoal oval shape.
Duncan saw that the student had automatically crouched in a perfect fighting stance, ready to react.