One shot whistled past The Shadow's hat brim, just as the black-garbed fighter performed a sidewise twist.
The fighter then performs the Ram Muay, whose simple movements demonstrate a fighter's control and style.
Each fighter performs the Ram Muay on each side of the ring to demonstrate his prowess to the audience.
For safety's sake at night, the fighters performed a standard intrail takeoff instead of a formation takeoff.
Thus far, the German fighters had performed well, but now it came to the most difficult part of the operation: withdrawing under attack.
When a fighter performs a front or back throwing technique, the referee calls "shoot", denoting one of these opportunities.
Jones's fighter immediately performed its programmed hard bank to the north.
The fighter performs an act of kindness, leaving the opponent unharmed at the end of the fight.
By doing a motion (for example: qcf or hcf) and pressing Special Button will make a fighter perform their Mighty Combo.
Stamina Points are regained whenever a fighter is not performing an action that requires the points.