It seemed as though The Shadow's last ounces of fighting strength had been gathered into the clutching fingers that held the crook's throat.
The physical discipline includes the training of fighting techniques, strength, and endurance.
"Speaking of fighting strength, has that young upstart taught them any new tricks?"
"Three squares a day is hardly enough to keep me up to fighting strength."
After their initial leaves, personnel were given rigorous training and battalions were brought back up to fighting strength.
You don't fight strength with strength.
Despite his role, de Recalde had little operational power, and lacking support from the Duke, he underwent a number of battles below fighting strength.
Lead by Tchulkoff, this new force provided a significant boost in fighting strength to the party.
"I know how to be a little mouse," she said, remembering times when she'd fought male strength with female cunning, feeling strong in the memories.
Johnny uses fighting skills and strength he had worked on all summer to defeat the Branlins.