However, writing for his newspaper helped him develop ideas for fighting slavery legislatively.
Europe also could not provoke a country that, according to the Emancipation Proclamation, was now fighting slavery.
Mam is now regarded as one of the most prolific activists fighting sexual slavery.
These reformers were uncomfortable with established churches, because they did little to fight slavery and even less to advance the cause of women's rights.
I found my own purpose in life, to fight slavery but also prevent the terrible war that I see in everyone's heartfire.
Furthermore, the Haitian revolutionaries had a global perspective on fighting slavery.
It never occurred to me that you might object to fighting slavery in whatever small way I can.
Very well, there are risks, but isn't fighting slavery worth a risk?
Barton intended another attack, this time with guns, but then I learned from Daisy about your passion for fighting slavery.
White female abolitionists, on the other hand, tended to view these actions as "potential distractions from the main goal of fighting slavery."