Afterwards the Lisowczycy ruthlessly fought to suppress the Emperor's opponents in Glatz (Kłodzko) region and elsewhere in Silesia, in Bohemia and Germany.
These traits are often paired with the need to be considered "right": they will ruthlessly fight on behalf of their beliefs, regardless of any contrary beliefs.
The UPC nationalist rebels conducted a fierce struggle against the French, who fought back equally ruthlessly.
The Scots-Irish brigades fought ruthlessly.
They would fight ruthlessly and methodically.
This is the fiercest battleground of the three kingdoms - they fight ruthlessly, you know and there are monsters here more astonishing than any we know in the macrocosm.
Jack fought ruthlessly, lifting Gail above a crazy tangle of struggling bodies.
She is the type of person who strongly believes that you have to fight ruthlessly even for your own happiness and for that she made a decision that would later haunt her at her later part of her life.
As for Sir John, and Butler, and McDonald, what do they care as long as their Senecas are inflamed to fury, and fight the more ruthlessly?
I voted to give you supreme power," continued Ser- cival, "because I consider you a strong man, willing and able to fight ruthlessly against the Lord of Evil.