Salubrinal is being studied at Indiana University for its potential to fight osteoporosis and accelerate bone healing.
He plans to begin intermittent treatment soon to fight osteoporosis.
The newest drug to fight osteoporosis has been shown to reduce by half the risk of broken hips.
A number of small studies had suggested that the medicine might also help postmenopausal women fight osteoporosis.
Add vitamin pills, a calcium supplement to fight osteoporosis, exercise, a no-smoking policy and a low-fat diet, and Ms. Rothman figures that she has done everything she needs to do.
This is different than most medicines used for weak bones (osteoporosis), which fight osteoporosis by keeping bone from being broken down.
Milk drinking may fight osteoporosis in women who drink coffee.
Bayer Women's is also labeled for use in "fighting" osteoporosis.
You can fight osteoporosis with the right type of calcium, exercise, and tests.
For this reason, other bisphosphonates, like alendronate, are preferred when fighting osteoporosis.