He fought for the independence of Poland in the early 20th century.
The region was conquered only after decades of fighting in the 19th century, and history these days seems to be repeating itself with uncanny certainty.
One front of the war was fought in the 22nd century, the main focus point at where the Federation was founded.
It was the final of three wars fought in the 19th century between the Burmese and the British.
The battle is considered one of the largest battles fought in the 18th century.
The country recognized the right not to fight in the 18th century following problems with attempting to force Quakers into military service.
The book attempted to offer a more balanced account of the two conflicts fought between Britain and China in the mid-19th century.
Marines must now cope with the expected changes of the way warfare is being fought in the 21st century.
That is three times the number of people killed in all the wars fought in the entire 20th century.
In fact many men wearing full plate were usually fighting on foot, especially in the 15th century.