His other How the Gypsy Fought the Devil 313 arm and hand were a dangling weight that bumped against him as he moved.
As they flew over the capital, returning the Archon to the Imperial Palace, the sight below was of units of soldiers fighting hand to hand battles with other military units.
As the battle raged, it was on the request of his Colonel to "Come and watch the fun", that Coffin found himself fighting hand to hand combat with the rebel forces.
The Tupamaros, the former leftist guerrillas who once did bloody battle with the Uruguayan armed forces, are now fighting "hand to hand," in the words of one member, to win a very capitalistic contest.
He was fighting hand and foot now, and he fought grimly, silently.
He could fight hand to hand, ride, swim, and live off the land just as easily as his Ilanero counterparts live.
We walked to the Tunnel and strolled along the Ave; one of a number of couples fighting the weather, hand in hand or arms about each other.
Only hours before, Gaunt and his men had fought hand to hand down those trenches to get into the Shriven lines.
Here they fought hand to hand and bayonet to bayonet, with little advantage to either side.
The siege continued with fighting hand to hand and building to building.