The latest diplomatic initiatives came amid an upsurge of fighting with both sides trading claims and counterclaims.
He called for eliminating overly generous benefits, fighting fraudulent claims and making able-bodied welfare recipients work.
By day he is a mild-mannered torts investigator, lining up witnesses and tracking down evidence to fight claims against the city.
He spent the latter part of his life fighting various lawsuits and claims over property and debt.
After fighting claims that it was secretly financed by Tito, the party disbanded in 1952.
But the firm is still fighting claims brought by some of his clients.
Next summer will be the eighth anniversary of the £42 million collapse, but the Manx Government has fought claims for compensation every step of the way.
For nearly two years, Allstate has been fighting similar claims that it forced thousands of auto and home insurance agents to become independent contractors.
But Mr. Carneal has no assets and his family's insurance company is already fighting claims, saying it is not responsible for criminal acts.
"But you still see cases where people are victimized by insurance companies that are too zealous in fighting claims," he said.