In the 19th Century, Puerto Ricans fought against the Spanish Empire.
By 1016, they were involved in the complex local politics where Lombards were fighting against the Byzantine Empire.
Later the town was released on a promise not to fight back against the Holy Roman Empire.
For his lord, he fought against the Empire of Nicaea.
The Council meeting where this plan was floated seemed more difficult than any of the battles I've fought against the Empire.
While we were a covert force fighting against the Empire, there was no ques- tioning the need for stealth and secrecy.
But if you could free us, we'd fight for you against the Empire to the last drop of our blood.
"But we fought the war against the Empire to put an end to that sort of thing," Han said.
In Dark Forces, Katarn works for the Rebellion which fights against the Empire.
The Irish fought the first successful 20th century war of independence against the British Empire and the United Kingdom.