Trev heard sizzling, crackling sounds, saw streamers of smoke rise from the fiery streams.
Nothing but a fiery stream was at first visible; but, anon, a shrill voice from behind called upon me to attend.
It was oval, and much more sharp-edged than the knots of gas we had watched adrift in the cloud's fiery streams.
The volcano fermented, and in a fiery stream of lava cast me up.
In a body which was no longer his, the fiery streams faded into coolness.
A high stone arch stood next to the fiery stream.
Rockson asked that they fly in a search pattern, over the fiery stream of lava, where the clouds were less thick.
Liszog shot from his couch but the fiery stream hit only the hatch behind which Khrest had already taken cover.
Unlike a stream of water, however, this fiery stream brought sudden death.
A handful of jets exploded, tumbling in fiery streams into the ocean-but the true battle was only beginning.