How do you know that all Awlaki has been involved with is "fiery rhetoric?"
Do you think the governments puts everyone who engages in "fiery rhetoric" on a kill list?
It doesn't take much looking to find evidence that Awlaki is guilty of more than "fiery rhetoric."
Recabarren, for all his fiery rhetoric, was a very sensitive person.
Proponents of the program argue that such fiery rhetoric only clouds what is at stake.
Do you feel like there has been any marked decrease in fiery rhetoric over the past week?
Very different to the fiery "smash-the-state" rhetoric we heard earlier this week.
He was known for his fiery rhetoric and knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
As an actor, Mr. Washington is often about fiery rhetoric.
Truman toured much of the nation with his fiery rhetoric, playing to large, enthusiastic crowds.