Gaudette is a fiery leader, always yelling to his teammates on the field.
He was a fiery pro Muslim leader.
Consequently, some younger members would like a more fiery leader and better campaigner to be Prime Minister.
And while he keeps a low public profile, Accorsi is a fiery behind-the-scenes leader.
For the last five years, the party was led by Takako Doi, a fiery leader who became the best-known woman in Japanese politics.
Mr. Quill helped found the transport workers union and went on to became its fiery leader.
There is evident discomfort over the tour among traditional civil rights organizations struggling to determine their relationship with the fiery leader.
At 55, Mr. Abidy is old enough to recall the fiery leaders who sought to bring down the king in the early 1970's.
Eagles fans loved Rhodes from the start - a smart, fiery leader who cursed at millionaire players to work hard or get out of town.
Deborah Wingert was the fiery leader of the Bacchantes.